

(African Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Technologies)

Dschang, Cameroon

Since 2018, VMD Agro has partnered with the African Centre for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology (“ACREST”) to operate a research, educational, and training facility to develop high-skilled Aquaponics talent in Africa. The facility also serves as a research and development facility to understand how to apply Controlled Environment Agriculture methods in an undeveloped rural region, to study crop specific grow methods and to collect data on agricultural yields in the region.

System Specifications:

Greenhouse Size: 200 square meters

Grow Area: 150 square meters

Construction Time: 4-6 months

Output (assuming no product mixing): 3-6+ tons of lettuce, various leafy greens and tomatoes.

Operational Details:

Fish Capacity: 400 kilograms

Water Capacity: 80,000 Liters

Solar System: 3KW with 800 Ampere hour backup

Water Consumption: 3,500 liters per month

Staffing Requirements: 2 people

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