Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 15, 2021

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) provides information about how VMD Agro LLC, a Limited Liability Company (the “Provider”), collects, uses, stores, archives and transfers information/data (used interchangeably hereafter) from you, through your use of the website,, (“Website”).



This Policy covers only data collected through Website and not any other data collection or processing, including, without limitation, data collection practices of other mobile applications/websites that are linked to Website or data that is collected offline or through web sites, products, or services offered or belonging to third parties. Occasionally, reference would be made to this Policy in notices and consent requests related to specific surveys, ratings or other modalities present in Website.


Types of Data and Collection Methods

The following instances are when data might be collected by the Provider; when you (i) request for information; (ii) apply to use or participate in or subscribe to any service offered through Website; (iii) submit any content in Website; (iv) register as a driver; (vi) register as owner of the car; or (vii) otherwise actively send data through/using Website. The Provider will collect, use, store and archive information about you in the following general categories:


Information You Provide to Us

  • When you submit a form as a user: We access personal information provided by you during the time of submission of a form as a user including, but not limited to your (i) email address; (ii) phone number; email address, (vii) any information provided by you at the time of submission of form


Information we collect through your use of the web based application

  • Usage and Preference Information: We may access information about your interactions with Website such as the date and time you use Website, the areas or pages of Website, the amount of time you spend viewing pages, the searches you make, the profiles you view; and the settings you have chosen. The Provider uses cookies, device fingerprinting, open device identifier number or similar technologies to collect the information under this category. The Provider may use the above mentioned technologies to: (i) provide you with customized content on Website; (ii) monitor Website usage; (iii) improve the content and services provided on and through Website; and (iv) otherwise enhance user experience.

  • Internet: We will access the internet or Wi-Fi network or any changes in the internet or Wi-Fi network of your device for running Website.

  • Log Information: When a driver or car owner interacts with Website, we collect server logs, which may include information like device IP address, access dates and times, and other system activity, type of browser, and the third-party site or service you were using before interacting with Website to understand the usage of Website.


Cookies: Website uses cookies, open device identifier number or similar technologies to collect the information described above. A cookie is a small text file that may be stored on the hard drive of your device when you use Website. The Provider may also use the above mentioned technologies to: (i) provide you with customized content on Website; (ii) monitor Website usage; (iii) for remarketing purposes; and (iv) conduct research to improve the content and services provided on Website. Please note, the Provider will not use any sensitive information that you may provide Website for the purposes of remarketing (Please contact us if you require a list of what information would constitute ‘sensitive information’.)


The Provider may also allow other companies such as web/mobile analytics partners and third party remarketing service providers to set or access their cookies or web beacons or similar technologies on Website. For example, the Provider may use third party mobile analytics partners to analyze big-data on its behalf, the remarketing service providers may use the information you have provided Website to provide you with advertisements based on your interests, etc. These partners/third-parties employ cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies to inter alia measure and analyze the big-data, provide you with offers, provide you with interest based advertisements, etc. To do so, these partners/third parties may use information about your use of Website and which information that you may provide Website that is not sensitive information.


Collection Purposes, Use of Data

The Provider uses the data (account usage and technical information) that is collected for the following general purposes apart from those set out in the preceding paragraphs:

  • To provide the services made available through Website;

  • To administer, protect and improve Website;

  • To better understand the preferences of users of Website;

  • To identify server problems;

  • To compile aggregated statistics about usage of Website;

  • To help personalize your experience of Website;

  • To carry out remarketing;

  • To improve services offered to you;

  • To help the Provider in its internal business functioning;

  • To provide you with information about technologies, product or service releases, news, and other communications;

  • To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Provider may combine various types of data that is collected; and

  • Any other use the Provider may describe at the point when it collects data.


Disclosures of Personal & Other Information

The Provider may share or transfer information you disclose on or is collected through Website only for the following purposes: (i) to third parties who process the data on its behalf for the purposes set forth in this Policy; (ii) as required by law or in the interest of protecting or exercising Provider’s or others’ legal rights, e.g., without limitation, in connection with requests from law enforcement officials and in connection with court proceedings; and (iii) to partners of the Provider who specialize in Big Data analytics, marketing, remarketing and advertising, for use of the data in their businesses.



If personal information you have submitted through Website is no longer accurate, current, or complete, you are allowed to update these changes using Website, but the Provider reserves the right to use information obtained previously to verify your identity or take other actions that it believes is appropriate.


Children’s Privacy

Website is intended for adults. The Provider does not intentionally or knowingly collect personally-identifiable information from minors (under the age of 18) and requests that minors (under the age of 18) do not submit any personal information on Website.



Transmissions over the Internet are never 100% secure or error-free. However, the Provider takes reasonable steps to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.



The Provider reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Policy at any time, but will alert you that changes have been made by indicating on the Policy the date it was last updated. When you use Website, you are accepting the current version of this Policy as posted on Website at that time. It is recommended that users revisit this Policy on occasion to learn of any changes.


Opting Out

You may contact the Provider, if you wish to opt out of providing any information contemplated by this policy. The Provider would then proceed to delete any information that you may have provided under this policy. However, in the event you choose to opt out of providing requisite information, you may be unable to access/utilize certain or all the functionalities of Website.


Additionally, if you wish to restrict the use of third-party cookies for interest-based marketing purposes, you may disable these functionalities by using Google’s Ads Settings and/or by visiting   


Contact Us

If you have any questions, or concerns about this Policy or any complaints or grievances about the manner in which the Provider handles your personal information or the use of your personal information (in doing so acknowledging that the Provider may be unable to provide you all or some of the services), please feel free to contact the Grievance Officer any time at