What is Aquaponics?
Aquaponics is a sustainable food production method which combines aquaculture (growing fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water using synthetically formulated nutrients).
In this closed ecosystem (no additional inputs besides sunlight), nitrifying bacteria convert fish waste into fertilizer for crops. Plants absorb these nutrients for food and simultaneously filter the Aquaponics system water. This filtered water is then returned to the fish. Unlike hydroponics, which requires artificial nutrients to grow plants, Aquaponics relies on natural fish waste in the same way traditional soil farmers use animal waste.
Diagram depicting a simple aquaponic system
This farming system is more than a way to produce 100% organic vegetables free of chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers commonly found in most vegetables. Aquaponics is extremely valuable in areas where either
1) the supply of land and water resources is limited or
2) the price of local and exotic crops is high and/or volatile.
For example, on average an Aquaponics farmer can expect
+50% reduction in grow cycles (the amount of time required to grow a crop from seed to harvest),
+60% increase in planting density (amount of plants you can fit in a specific area), and the ability to grow year-around in a temperature controlled greenhouse.
Furthermore, Aquaponics enables up to a 97% reduction in water usage compared to soil based farming because the only water lost in an Aquaponic system is from plant intake (compared to evaporation and soil seepage).
While the numbers behind Aquaponics makes for a desirable commercial opportunity, the most interesting aspect of Aquaponics is its adaptability.
Unlike other food production methods, an Aquaponics system can be customized for almost any climatic condition. Cooling and heating systems enable farmers to stabilize temperature, humidity, and other climatic factors in a greenhouse and permit year-around growing of local and exotic crops.